2.2.0 Release Notes
Architecture of Scent Release 2.2.0
Various performance and stability updates.
Fixed Serial and BLE message handling. Added extra validation of messages coming into the device.
Fixed ability to send Serial Messages by adding another delay while interpreting.
Increased the Array capacitor recharge time within the firmware. This change fixed issues that caused some Array tubes to not fire.
Fixed an issue while executing odorant command(s). An incorrect validation test was included in a previous version that has been resolved.
Fixed an issue preventing odorant messages from "bursting" (continuous firing).
Truncated various cartridge and scent name lengths, this will prevent potential issues where longer names could overwrite other stored data values.
Fixed an intermittent issue causing the inability to navigate between certain screens in the ION admin app.
Fixed an issue where disconnecting and ION in INHALE application did not reset the device information on the Help screen.
AoS Plugin for Unity version 2.2.0 featuring ION 2.0 support.
AoS Plugin for Unreal version 2.2.0 featuring ION 2.0 support.
Inhale 2.2.0 featuring an additional "Breath Totem", (Fern)
ION 2.0 Firmware version 2.2.0 featuring improved manufacturing max threshold settings.
Improved Serial connection for ION 2.0
UI improvements for the ION 2.0 Admin App
Improved documentation and repository navigation for client-facing applications and developer-facing tools.
Last updated